Joseph (Joe) Grzywacz
Joseph G. Grzywacz, Ph.D., is Associate Dean for Research and Faculty at San Jose State University. Previously
he served as Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies and Department Chair
at Florida State University, Director of the Center for Family Resilience at Oklahoma
State University, and Associate Director for Research with the Center for Worker
Health at Wake Forest School of Medicine.
Dr. Grzywacz is well-equipped to mentor faculty and students in research. His research has been continuously funded by federal agencies like the National Institutes of Health since 2002, and he has published over 250 peer-reviewed articles in diverse clinical, epidemiological, and basic science journals. He has supported dozens of students and professional staff in publishing their first article in a scientific journal, supported nearly 20 researchers in earning their first federally funded grant, and two programs to facilitate interdisciplinary research training and development for new and experienced researchers.
- 1998-2000 Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of California, Irvine, School of Social Ecology - Emphasis: the Social Ecology of Health
- 1998 Ph.D. Child and Family Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison - Emphasis: Adult Health and Successful Aging
- 1994 M.S. Human and Community Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
- 1989 B.S. Health Promotion/Wellness, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Please review one of the following sources for recent research activity.
- Research Gate -
- Google Scholar -
Contact Information
Joseph G. Grzywacz, Ph.D., (he, him, his)
Associate Dean for Research
1 Washington Square #0124
San Jose, CA 95192-0124
MH 515
408-924-3332 (office)